
The main focus of this activity is the interrelation between algebraic structure and algorithms. We plan to work on the following subjects:

More precisely, the research project takes place in effective algebraic combinatorics, at the interface of enumerative combinatorics and analysis of algorithms on one hand and symbolic and algebraic computation on the other hand. The objective is twofold: firstly, thanks to vast generalization of the notion of generating series, we hope to give a theoretical framework allowing to study the fine behavior of various algorithms. Reciprocally, the study of those very same algorithms gives a new mean to discover algebraic identities. Those identities have many applications in mathematics, in particular in representation theory but also in physics (mainly statistical physics).

The research relies deeply on computer experimentation and contains as a consequence an important software development part within the Sage-Combinat software project. However, the required level of sophistication, flexibility, and breath of computational tools is reaching a point where large scale collaborative development is critical. The design and collaborative development of such a software is raising research-grade computer science challenges around the modelling of mathematics, the management of large hierarchy of (object oriented) classes, etc.

Those very specific questions also raise more general combinatorial questions. We therefore plan to work on enumerative combinatorics and cellular automaton, in particular on trees. This activity is conducted with close collaborators in France, Germany, North America, and India.

À la lumière de quelques propriétés essentielles

-- Thomas Karam (Univ. Oxford)

Cet exposé consistera en quatre parties, chacune commençant par une introduction à un domaine de recherche et terminant par quelques contributions.

Nous débuterons par expliquer comment la conjecture polynomiale de Hales-Jewett à densité unifie plusieurs des généralisations du théorème de van der Waerden, ainsi que comment cette généralisation commune présente ...

On the intervals of framing lattices

-- Loïc Le-Mogne (LaBRI)

summary: A flow graph \(G\) is an acyclic oriented graph with \(V(G) = [n]\), \(E(G)\) a multi-set of edges where each edge \((i,j)\) satisfies \(i<j\), and such that \(G\) has a unique source \(s=1\) and sink \(t=n\). On such a graph, a route is simply ...

Computability of Compact Spaces

-- Djamel Amir (LISN, Galac)

summary: The topological properties of a set have a strong impact on its computability properties. A striking illustration of this idea is given by spheres, closed manifolds and finite graphs without endpoints : if a set X is homeomorphic to a sphere, a closed manifold or such a graph, then any ...

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