GALaC organizes or participates in three different regular seminars.
GALaC team seminar
The GALaC team seminar is organized on a regular basis on Friday at 14:00 in the PCRI building (650) at LISN. Recent and up-coming seminars
Plateau Saclay Combinatorics Seminar
The Plateau Saclay Combinatorics Seminar is held on several Mondays at 11am in room Philippe Flajolet (top floor on the left) at LIX. It is co-organized by the Combi team of LIX and the GALaC team. The mailing list for this seminar is Subscribe to this ...
Plateau Saclay Algorithms Seminar
The Plateau Saclay Algorithms Seminar is held every other Friday afternoon in LIX. This working group is partially supported by Labex DigiCosme (Digital worlds: distributed data, programs and architectures). If you do wish (or not) to receive any emails from this seminar, you can subscribe or unsubscribe from the mailing ...
Reconstruction de graphes via des requêtes sur les triplets
summary: Considérons un oracle disposant d'un graphe labellisé caché. L'objectif de la reconstruction de graphes est de retrouver ce graphe caché en interrogeant l'oracle avec certains types de requêtes. Les requêtes que nous examinons portent sur des triplets de sommets du graphe, plus précisément, sur la structure ...
Fractional domatic number and minimum degree
summary: We present a study of a graph parameter in graph theory, named the fractional domatic number. A dominating set in a graph is a set of vertices such that every vertex outside the set is adjacent to a vertex in the set. The domatic number of a graph is ...
Travo: a classroom open source Python toolkit
summary: Teaching computer science or computational courses inevitably implies collaboration on code. Software forges can provide helpful infrastructure to support and improve collaboration in teaching workflows. This talk will present Travo, an open source Python toolkit turning your favorite forge into a flexible management solution for computer assignments. Travo is ...
Translations: fr