
GALaC organizes or participates in three different regular seminars.

GALaC team seminar

The GALaC team seminar is organized on a regular basis on Friday at 14:00 in the PCRI building (650) at LISN. Recent and up-coming seminars

Plateau Saclay Combinatorics Seminar

The Plateau Saclay Combinatorics Seminar is held on several Mondays at 11am in room Philippe Flajolet (top floor on the left) at LIX. It is co-organized by the Combi team of LIX and the GALaC team. The mailing list for this seminar is Subscribe to this ...

Plateau Saclay Algorithms Seminar

The Plateau Saclay Algorithms Seminar is held every other Friday afternoon in LIX. This working group is partially supported by Labex DigiCosme (Digital worlds: distributed data, programs and architectures). If you do wish (or not) to receive any emails from this seminar, you can subscribe or unsubscribe from the mailing ...

Excluding a rectangular grid

-- Clément Rambaud (Université Côte d'Azur)

summary: For every positive integer k, we define the k-treedepth as the largest graph parameter td_k satisfying (i) td_k(∅)=0; (ii) td_k(G) <= 1+ td_k(G-u) for every graph G and every vertex u; and (iii) if G is a (


-- Jonathan Narboni (LaBRI)

summary: TBA

Computability of Compact Spaces

-- Djamel Amir (LISN, Galac)

summary: The topological properties of a set have a strong impact on its computability properties. A striking illustration of this idea is given by spheres, closed manifolds and finite graphs without endpoints : if a set X is homeomorphic to a sphere, a closed manifold or such a graph, then any ...

Classes de sous-shifts définis par des formules logiques.

-- Rémi Pallen (LISN, Galac)

summary: Une configuration est un coloriage du plan Z². Habituellement, les ensembles de configurations étudiés sont ceux définis par un ensemble de motifs "interdits" n'apparaissant dans aucune des configurations de l'ensemble. De tels ensembles sont appelés sous-shifts. Dans ce séminaire, on définit les ensembles de configurations grâce à ...

Manytamaris: on descriptions of the Tamari lattice

-- Hoan La (LISN, Galac)

summary: Manytamaris is a website about the Tamari lattice. The interest in this particular lattice stems from its many properties, besides being a lattice, and its numerous appearances in different areas of mathematics. As such, the goal for Manytamaris is to be a survey on the descriptions of the Tamari ...

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