GALaC team seminar
The GALaC team seminar is organized on a regular basis on Friday at 14:00 in the PCRI building (650) at LISN.
Recent and up-coming seminars
On the complexity of computing tree-partitions
summary: Tree-partitions are graph decompositions that correspond to mapping vertices to nodes of a tree in such a way that adjacent vertices in the graph are either mapped to adjacent nodes of the tree or to the same node. The width of a tree-partition is the maximum number of vertices ...
On the intervals of framing lattices
summary: A flow graph \(G\) is an acyclic oriented graph with \(V(G) = [n]\), \(E(G)\) a multi-set of edges where each edge \((i,j)\) satisfies \(i<j\), and such that \(G\) has a unique source \(s=1\) and sink \(t=n\). On such a graph, a route is simply ...
On the Structure of Potential Counterexamples to the Borodin-Kostochka Conjecture
summary: The Borodin-Kostochka conjecture, a long-standing problem in graph theory, asserts that every graph \(G\) with maximum degree \(\Delta \geq 9\) satisfies \(\chi(G) \leq max \{\Delta - 1, \omega(G)\}\) where \(\chi(G)\) and \(\omega(G)\) are respectively the chromatic number and the clique number of \(G\). While the conjecture ...
Translations: fr