On the intervals of framing lattices

-- Loïc Le-Mogne (LaBRI)

Time: 14:00 -- Location: LRI, 445

summary: A flow graph \(G\) is an acyclic oriented graph with \(V(G) = [n]\), \(E(G)\) a multi-set of edges where each edge \((i,j)\) satisfies \(i<j\), and such that \(G\) has a unique source \(s=1\) and sink \(t=n\). On such a graph, a route is simply a path from \(s\) to \(t\). We can then define a relation of compatibility between two routes (we will in fact define multiple compatibilities on a fixed graph; each compatibility will be called a framing). A framing lattice is a poset (and more precisely, as its name implies, a lattice) defined on the maximal cliques of coherent routes on a flow graph.
This work first aimed to prove a conjecture from Clément Chenevière, stating that the number of linear intervals (intervals with only comparable elements) does not change depending on the framing chosen on a flow graph. While this result was proven during this project, we are trying to study how, on a fixed flow graph, 2D-faces of the lattices change when we change the framing.
This is an on-going project with Clément Chenevière, Sergio A. Fernández de soto, Félix Gélinas, and Germain Poullot.

Category: seminars
Tags: Team seminar combinatorics