GALaC team at LRI, Paris-Sud

GALaC is a research group at LRI, Paris-Sud University. We are focused on graph theory, combinatorics and network distributed systems algorithmic.

A global presentation of research activities in GALaC was made in 2013 for the AERES evaluation: Slides AERES 2013 and projet.

Recent Posts

Proper conflict-free colourings of graphs

-- Quentin Chuet (LISN, GALaC)

summary: Given a graph \(G\) of maximum degree \(\Delta\), the proper colouring problem asks for the minimum number of colours that can be assigned to the vertices of \(G\) such that no pair of adjacent vertices are given the same colour; it is easy to show that at most \(\Delta ...

Alternating and nondeterministic plane-walking automata

-- Pacôme Perrotin (LISN, Galac)

summary: Plane-walking automata were introduced by Salo & Törma to recognise languages of two-dimensional infinite words (subshifts), the counterpart of 4-way finite automata for two-dimensional finite words. We extend the model to allow for nondeterminism and alternation of quantifiers. We prove that the recognised subshifts form a strict subclass of sofic ...

On the complexity of computing tree-partitions

-- Hugo Jacob (LaBRI)

summary: Tree-partitions are graph decompositions that correspond to mapping vertices to nodes of a tree in such a way that adjacent vertices in the graph are either mapped to adjacent nodes of the tree or to the same node. The width of a tree-partition is the maximum number of vertices ...

À la lumière de quelques propriétés essentielles

-- Thomas Karam (Univ. Oxford)

Cet exposé consistera en quatre parties, chacune commençant par une introduction à un domaine de recherche et terminant par quelques contributions.

Nous débuterons par expliquer comment la conjecture polynomiale de Hales-Jewett à densité unifie plusieurs des généralisations du théorème de van der Waerden, ainsi que comment cette généralisation commune présente ...

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