Geometry of random permutation factorizations
We study random minimal factorizations of the \(n\)-cycle into transpositions, that is, factorizations of the cycle \((1 2...n)\) into a product of \(n-1\) transpositions. It is known that these factorizations are in bijection with Cayley trees of size \(n\), and therefore that there are \(n^{n-2}\) of them ...
Séminaire ouvert
Lors d'un séminaire ouvert, le thème n'est pas décidé à l'avance. Tous les membres du séminaires sont invités à participer et peuvent proposer le jour même des interventions plus ou moins longues, des démos ou des questions ouvertes au reste de l'équipe.
Matchings and related structures with Specified Color Properties In Vertex- or Edge-colored Graphs.
summary: We consider problems in edge- or vertex colored graphs. As an example, the Web graph may be considered as a vertex-colored graph where the color of a vertex represents the content of the corresponding page (red for mathematics, yellow for physics, etc.). When the edges/vertices of graphs are ...
Bounded P-partition and Flagged P-partition
Travaux en commun avec Sami Assaf.
Overcoming interference in the beeping communication model
summary: Small inexpensive inter-communicating electronic devices have become widely available. Although the individual device has severely limited capabilities (e.g., basic communication, constant-size memory or limited mobility), multitudes of such weak devices communicating together are able to form low-cost, easily deployable, yet highly performant networks. Such distributed systems present significant ...
The Domino Problem is undecidable on surface groups
summary: The domino problem for a finitely generated group asks whether there exists an algorithm which takes as input a finite alphabet and finitely many Wang tiles, and decides whether there exists a tiling of the group by this set of tiles. I will survey known results and present the ...
Improved bounds for centered colorings
A vertex coloring \phi of G is p-centered for each connected subgraph H of G either \phi uses more than p colors on H or or there is a color that appears exactly once on H. Centered colorings form one of the families of parameters that allow to capture notions ...
Scalable Load Balancing - Distributed Algorithms and the Packing Model
summary: Load imbalance is a recurring problem in High Performance Computing (HPC), which leads to suboptimal performance via the under-use of available resources. As computing systems grow larger, resource management and load balancing become a costly process, especially for dynamic applications that demand periodical workload balance. With this in mind ...
Independence Posets
Let G be an acylic directed graph. For each vertex of G, we define an involution on the independent sets of G. We call these involutions flips, and use them to define a new partial order on independent sets of G.
Trim lattices generalize distributive lattices by removing the graded ...
graph algorithms to help molecular construction
Summary: In organic chemistry, when a new molecule is designed, it is necessary to determine chemical reactions that can be used to synthesize this target molecule from available compounds. Finding such chemical reactions consists usually in searching in a reaction database (such as REAXYS or ChEBI) for a molecule that ...